Thursday, April 14, 2011

 Uganda human rights !!!

 Northern Uganda has been destroyed in conflict for nearly twenty years already. Thousands of civilians have been victims of brutal attacks, rape, torture, extra judicial execution and destruction of many homes and communities. In the last several years, there has been movement toward justice, including the opening of the investigations at the international criminal court, but the advanced has been poor and damaged by continued violence. The majority of abuses in Northern Uganda have been committed by large amounts to an army of children. The LRA, a rebel group fighting since 1986, have constantly kidnapped children for use of soldiers. 20,000 children were kidnapped between 1999 and 2004 alone. Up to 80% of the groups military force is now made up of child soldiers. The threat of violence from both sides has left the civilians, in risk of indiscriminate attacks and displacement. These children are all known as the night commuters because they are all scared of the abduction. An estimated 50,000 of these children run away their homes each night and travel miles and miles by foot to town and city centers to sleep in bus stations, churches etc... To avoid the LRA attacks. In January 2004 the Ugandan government asked the (ICC) to investigate the abuses in northern Uganda. After this investigation was done, in July 2004 the prosecutor agreed to release an investigation of the wars against humanity and war crimes done by the members of both the LRA and government. In June 2005, Museveni offered to extend the investigation and asking the LRA leader that if he agreed to give up fighting.

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